The Miraculous Image of Mater Boni Consilii is located on the Side Altar of the Basilica of Mater Boni Consilii in Genazzano, Italy (about 30 miles East of Rome).
It arrived from Albania under miraculous circumstances leading two men (De Sclavis and Georgio) who had stayed behind to protect her image during a Moslem attack. It detached itself from the wall and was surrounded by a white cloud and moved towards the Adriatic with the two men following. It started to pass over the water, and the two men followed walking upon the water till they reached Italy where the image promptly disappeared after leading them. Sadly they began to wander Italy searching for her and one day came into the town of Genazzano and heard about a miracluous image that had mysteriously arrived on a cloud in their town.
On the rocky peak of Genazzano, was a local church that had been given to the Augustinians had fallen into ruins and the townspeople had run out of funds trying to rebuild it. On the Feast of St. Mark, April 25th, 1467 around 4 o'clock in the afternoon they all began to hear the most beautiful, angelic music. In a clear sky, a single cloud moved quickly and arrived in the church where the image was revealed in a miraculously suspended state on a wall in the ruined church. The Church was rebuilt, but then shook by earthquakes through the centuries and even bombing during WWII, but still survives suspended to this day.
Qualities about the Image in question:
1) The painting which had been done of a thin layer of porcelain or plaster, the thickness of an eggshell, could not have been removed from its original surroundings (wherever that may have been no one knows) by human hand.
2) This thin layer of porcelain or plaster stands upright without any support of any kind except for a narrow ledge on which it rests.
3) The image had indeed disappeared from its church of origin and that an empty space of exact dimensions was still present in the Albanian church.
Many miracles and graces have been received through this image and exists still as one of the most important Marian Images in the Church today.